Senin, 19 September 2011

How to get a good photo

How do I get a good photo. It may be hard pressed to get the answer. because it's a good photo is very relative, in terms of where we judge it. But in general I can explain in the following description. To get a good photograph, there are some things that need our attention. Here I will not write about techniques, equipment used, or the exact location to produce good photographs. Due to the right of the above techniques have different ways for each stream of photography, like landscape, portrait, wild life, and so on. But who wants to be emphasized here is the notion of good and other basic stuff. Here are the things to note:

To be able to produce good photographs, we must first understand what a good photograph it. There's no way we could make a good photograph if we ourselves do not really know what it looks like a nice photo.

The definition of a good photograph is not a verbal definition. There can be no definition could be written that a good photograph looks like. You could swallow a piece of pizza and said it felt good, but you can make a definition, Äúenak, Äù was like what is not?

To understand what a good photo, we can train him to see photos of other people is by flipping through various magazines and photo books.

When we look at sebuat photos and are interested in, make yourself that the picture is good. The proof you are interested in is not it?

Then, look at the photo and then create questions in your heart: why you felt it was interesting. What's so interesting? Whether the color is good, or whether the person in the photo is beautiful, whether the arrangement of objects in the picture was interesting, whether the atmosphere in the attractive photos. Essentially you have to know the reason what makes you feel a photograph interesting.

Once you know what the attraction of a photograph, try to think how to make a photograph. Does the photographer squatting, whether the photographer should take the stairs, whether the photographer about a chat with the object, whether the photographer can lighting lucky like that, and so on.

After the last two steps to go through, you actually already have a stock to create great photos for, which is similar to Äúadegan fot you just observe, Äù. Deposition memory will be a good photo is a stock for you to create a situation similar photos. and the more you watch photos of other people, the more stock for you to be able to make good photographs. This is not menjuplak, but saving ideas. in this world there are no photos that can be entirely new. a photo must be produced from a variety of ideas that exist in the mind of the photographer.

If you already have a digital camera, use it every day. any digital camera brand, shelf life of only about six years. cameras are used every day is much more durable than single-use camera-time only. using a camera every day, you practice well to make good photographs.
To get and can make a good photograph does need a lot of trying, practicing and keep trying with various techniques. Good luck.

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